5 Minutes With… Accela’s Dogs For International Dog Day!

It’s a very special day today! A day to shower our canine sons, daughters, brothers and sisters with love and appreciation. In honour of today’s International Dog Day (August 26), we invite you to get to know Accela’s furry friends.


  • Age: 2

  • Breed: Cavoodle 

  • Superpower: Sleeping in

  • My human

    : Erin

If you had a human job, what would it be? Lifeguard! I love the water and going for long swims.

What do you like most about your human's job? Isn’t their job to take care of me, give me cuddles, treats, and “good girls”?

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? I’ve met my seven siblings here in Singapore, but there’s one back home on the farm in New Zealand. I think it would be fun to go back, see Mom, Dad, and my sibling.

What is your favourite thing to do in Singapore? Ball is life. I love chasing a ball. In a field. In the living room (which Mom and Dad rarely allow). In the ocean, yeah that’s my new favourite!

If you could trade places with anyone or anything for a day, what or who would that be? My older brother. He gets all the good food like steak, chicken sausage, and rice porridge.

Wilbur (Wilburwoos)

  • Age: 5

  • Breed: Cavapoo

  • Superpower: Defluffing all soft toys instantly!

  • My human: Vicky

If you had a human job, what would it be? Sausage taster.

What do you like most about your human’s job? That she works from home so I can always be by her side for cuddles.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would that be? Anywhere I can bury my nose in the sand.

What is your favourite thing to do in Singapore? Go to the beach with my family.

If you could trade places with anyone or anything for a day, what or who would that be? I’d trade places with my dads laptop as that gets way more attention than I do during the day!


  • Age: 6

  • Breed: Cavalier mix

  • Superpower: Super Good Vacuum

  • My human: Shiona

If you had a human job, what would it be? Customs officer. I like to make sure that no one - including the birds - is coming into the house without permission. 

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would that be? Nowhere, I’m happy to be home!

What is your favourite thing to do in Singapore? Eating, there are so many snacks to try!

If you could trade places with anyone or anything for a day, who or what would that be? I think I would like to be Doug the Pug, I heard he gets a lot of snacks and I would like snacks.

Charles, aka Sir Charles, Prince Charles, C-Dizzle, C-Man

  • Age: 17 years and 2 months

  • Breed: Shih Tzu  

  • Superpower: Immortality, duh

  • My human: Erin

If you had a human job, what would it be? Supervisor

What do you like most about your human's job? Someone’s almost always home to make me a snuffle matt, cook up some chicken sausage, or give me some ear pats.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? I’ve been around the world, I’m happy to hang out here with my family.

What is your favourite thing to do in Singapore? Cruising around the field at Fort Canning, the one right in front of Tiong Bahru Bakery. I sniff and stroll my way around the evening while my crazy little sister endlessly chases a ball.

If you could trade places with anyone or anything for a day, what or who would that be? I wouldn’t mind being my young self again for a day to chase some squirrels, rabbits, or just run wild.

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  • Age: 4

  • Breed: American Cocker Spaniel

  • Superpower: I can control the weather, so it’s always a perfect temperature for adventures

  • My human: Jen

If you had a human job, what would it be? A lifeguard.

What do you like most about your human's job? The days they are working from home as I get lots of extra cuddles.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Back to the UK with my humans so I can hang out in pubs.

What is your favourite thing to do in Singapore? Go to East Coast Park, splash around in the waves, and play frisbee on the beach.

If you could trade places with anyone or anything for a day, what or who would that be? A chef so I can spend my days eating everything in sight that my humans refuse to give me.


  • Age: Turning 5 next month!

  • Breed: Golden Retriever

  • Superpower: Stealing food from my humans while they’re distracted

  • My human: Nishanthi

If you had a human job, what would it be? Screening officer. I assess the humans I meet by sniffing and see their interaction with me. If I start wagging my tail excitedly, I approve that human. But if I start barking, you better run.

What do you like most about your human's job? My human gets to spend more time with me since they get to work from home on some days and I'm truly thankful to my human’s bosses for that!

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? USA! To visit my human’s sister! They have been wanting me to come over for the longest time.

What is your favourite thing to do in Singapore? Go for long walks. And when I refuse to head back home, I love to sit and protest!

If you could trade places with anyone or anything for a day, what or who would that be? I'm happy with who I am and would never trade my life for anything or anyone.


  • Age: 1 and a bit

  • Breed: Chocolate labrador

  • Superpower: The ability to make people fall in love with me instantly

  • My human: Louisa

If you had a human job, what would it be? A professional best friend

What do you like most about your human's job? That my human can work from home some days, meaning she gets to walk me before breakfast.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? New York City

What is your favourite thing to do in Singapore? Eating everything and anything that is available, especially flip flops!

If you could trade places with anyone or anything for a day, what or who would that be? Any human in our house. Then I'd have hands and would be able to open the fridge and help myself to the contents!

Accela Group

Accela Group provides businesses with localised expertise across communications, finance and talent – empowering them with the knowledge needed to grow and evolve. As a professional yet compassionate partner we connect our clients to new communities, people and ways of working.


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