Vaccine Stories: Accela Team Members Share Their Vaccine Experiences

We did it! As each of our vaccine statuses ticks over to green, we are now flocking to our much loved bars, restaurants and cafes for a meal with our friends, and raising our glasses to a much needed catch up. Is there a table of five this week that is not talking about vaccines? We doubt it!

We canvassed the Accela team on the hottest breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee conversation: vaccine experiences.

Accela has supported the team through the vaccine drive by making sure colleagues were planning ahead for when a teammate is getting the vaccine in case they had a reaction and need to lie low afterwards. And we have sent everyone a care package just before their second vaccine to aid with recovery.

Here’s what being part of the national effort has meant to some of us:

Accela sent care packages ahead of everyone’s second vaccine to help boost hydration and energy.

Accela sent care packages ahead of everyone’s second vaccine to help boost hydration and energy.

Jess Slevin, Senior Communications & Marketing Director, Accela Communications

“There was no question for me that as soon as the opportunity to be vaccinated came up, I’d take it. While it was hard as a foreigner to be waiting so long after friends and family back home in the US got their vaccines, it was no less exciting when my time finally came. 

I didn’t think I would be one of those people who got emotional about this kind of thing – turns out I was wrong! It felt very symbolic as I thought about all of the challenges we’ve gone through over the past 18 months, and I’m feeling hopeful that every jab is one step closer to the freedom we had in pre-COVID times.

As soon as I was allowed last Tuesday, I went to visit some of our F&B clients. They’ve been through so much. It was so nice to see them again.”


Erin Padilla, CEO and Co-Founder, Accela Group

“I felt very overwhelmed and grateful when getting my vaccine. Overwhelmed because standing in line at the centre caused me to reflect on what the world has been through — getting vaccinated felt like a massive step towards a world where I won't have to worry as much about my family, friends and team members getting critically ill. Most importantly, it's a step closer to being able to see my family again. 

I also felt incredibly grateful to all the people around me at the vaccination center. Everyone was doing their part, be that getting vaccinated, working the line to ensure everyone stayed safe, or administering the vaccines.”

Jennifer Stewart, Account Director, Accela Communications

“For me, I found the process of getting my first shot very overwhelming. It felt like a really pivotal moment in this whole crazy COVID ride and one step closer to getting home to see my family and friends.”

Shiona Raj, Communications Executive, Accela Communications

“The vaccination process was amazing to be part of. I got my free Gojek to the Geylang Serai Community Centre and with the number of chairs they had out, I thought I was going to be there for ages, but it was just five minutes before I was in the vaccine chair.

My nurse for the first dose was an older lady who told me that the vaccination would not impact me because I looked very “sturdy”. While I wasn’t too sure what that meant, it did distract me from the jab itself.

This year seems to be the year of injections for me as I have had whooping cough and HPV shots and compared to those two, this shot was a walk in the park. It was great to sort out my COVID-19 vaccination within the span of a month and I’ll definitely appreciate the perks being vaccinated will bring. 

At the end of the day, taking the vaccination not only helps to protect me, it helps to protect vulnerable people like my baby brother who cannot get the shot. So, I am happy to be part of the bigger picture.”


For many members of our team, gtting vaccinated means being able to reunite with friends and family.

For many members of our team, getting vaccinated means being able to reunite with friends and family.

Vicky Jones, Account Executive, Accela Finance

“For me, it was an easy decision, if it meant I would be protected from the worst of it and when travel reopens I can go and see my family then I knew I would opt to have it as soon as it was available. I managed to get an appointment as soon as my age bracket opened up, but I did have to wait six weeks for my follow up dose.”

Caron Chan, Communications Manager, Accela Communications

“It was such an experience to visit a centre where mass vaccination is administered. I was impressed with the smooth process and what touched me most was the volunteers and the staff at the vaccination centre who spoke politely and guided everyone patiently. Feeling super grateful to them, and to everyone who has helped accelerate our nation’s recovery.”

Accela Group

Accela Group provides businesses with localised expertise across communications, finance and talent – empowering them with the knowledge needed to grow and evolve. As a professional yet compassionate partner we connect our clients to new communities, people and ways of working.


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