What it’s Like to Travel Under Omicron
We were so excited to dust off our passports and make the most of the new VTLs, but with the news flooded with stories about COVID surges, many of us decided to put our travel plans on hold, for now.
But for those who hadn’t seen their family in two or more years, the chance to reunite was worth the expense, the incessant testing and the risk of being put on stay-home notice, or worse, sent to quarantine.
Some of the Accela team have recently returned and had family arrive on VTL flights under the new Omicron measures, with mixed experiences.
Here’s what we’ve learned about pre-departure testing, recognising international vaccines and PCR tests in Singapore, self-administered and supervised ART tests, and what happens if you test positive, or are flagged as a close contact.
Head over to the Accela Communications blog to read the full post.